Wednesday 15 August 2018

Why Content is Important for SEO?

Content and SEO share a bond which can catapult to the top positions of the search engine rankings. However, this is only when they are at their best.  This is because, when they are at their worst, it can cause Google penalties which are almost impossible to recover from.

What is Content?

Giving an exact definition of content might be nearly impossible. Content is high-quality and useful information which conveys a story which is presented in a relevant manner with the plan of soliciting an engagement or emotion. Content can be expressed by using various formats which includes images, texts, presentations, video, and audio. However, it is easy to understand that content which you come across over the internet is not always of high quality or useful. There are several bad content and it doesn’t come close to offering any kind of usefulness or relevancy to the reader.

If you avoid the description of quality content, you will be able to make a more direct approach simply by taking a look at the various types of digital content.

Why Content is Important for SEO?

Why Content is Important for SEO?

The SEO Value of Content

Google is the king of search engines and it processes around 3.5 billion searches on a regular basis.  Since you are talking about search engine optimization, it means that it is suitable for answering the questions. You need to organize the information of the world and then make it universally useful and accessible. This mission is the same even today. The manner in which the information is organized is changed to certain extent. The relevant and the useful result which Google plans on delivering are the pieces of content which are available throughout the web. This content is ranked as per their order of usefulness and also relevancy to the user performing search.

Importance of Optimizing Content

The reason for optimizing content is pretty simple. Without this, you will not be able to rank in the search engines. There are various factors that are in play. On one side there is the content creation. Optimization is done by making sure that the content is audience centric.  Moreover, it needs to follow the recommendation that has been laid out in the previous sections.

Audience centric just means that you are concentrating on what the audience would like to hear instead of what you actually want to talk about.  Make sure that you produce useful and relevant content if you want to rank in the search engine pages.

Apart from the optimization equation is the technical stuff.  This includes factors such as meta titles, keywords, URLs, and meta descriptions.

Tips to Create Optimized Content

When you attempt to create an optimized content, there are certain steps that you should follow.

Perform Keyword Research to Decide on the Topic: Even though your main goal should be to develop audience-centric, it is necessary to do a keyword research for making sure that the resulting content can be secured through the search engines. A few things that you have to focus on while choosing the topic and the keyword.

  • Focus on the long-tail keywords
  • Use proven keyword research tool
  • Match the topic to the keyword
  • Avoid opting for highly competitive keyword with greater search numbers

Develop an Outline and Format to Gain Optimal Readability: As you create the outline, make sure that you format the core content so that you can break it down to small chunks.  Online readers have less patience and they are  not going to stick around if the article is one large paragraph. You need to have paragraphs which are only one or two sentence long. Also, make sure that you have sub-headers or visuals every 150-300 words.  This will break up the content even further.

Stick to the Target Keyword and Topic: When you start with writing the content, you have to keep in mind the importance to abiding by the target keyword and the topic which you have chosen. You should not write about everything and anything that you come across in the content. Moreover, you shouldn’t use dozens of keywords. If you do so, it is huge waste of time. Also, it will keep you from creating relevant and useful content on the topic. Make sure that you focus on your topic and stay hyper-relevant to your keyword which supports it.

Include Backlinks Throughout the Content: If you read the local SEO guide, you will notice that it includes links to external sites. As Google has made it clear that SEO is a crucial SEO factor, linking to trustworthy, relevant, and authoritative sites will help in ensuring that the search engines find the content credible.  Make sure that the words you want to use for the link are relevant to the site the user is going to be sent to.

The post Why Content is Important for SEO? appeared first on EDKENT® MEDIA.


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